Triple Threat Online Marketing Package
Punch Above Your Weight in Google, Local Search, and Social Media.
Search Engine Success
Your business on the first page of a Google search. It’s just the world we live in now.
But you can’t take your eye off the competition on the local searches (maps) or leave social media in your blind spot either.
It’s a lot to ask of any organization. It’s time-intensive and frankly, expensive to do them and do them all properly.
So we’ve come up with a plan of attack that takes a single comprehensive approach to improve every organic SEO touchpoint – On-Page, Local Search, and Social Media channels.
It starts with a copywriting strategy that defines you as an authority in your field to Google.
We then repurpose that work to spotlight your business in the Local Search Pack (Map and Reviews section). Lastly, we post a custom version to your Facebook and Instagram channels along with a link, promoting your website to your audience while providing the search engines a breadcrumb trail back to your website.
It’s win, win, win with the minimum possible time, effort and expense.

On-Page SEO and the Gods of Google
Search engine users are served only relevant and authoritative content.
It makes sense. Have you ever noticed that only the most topical, useful, expert, recent content is presented to you as the most likely result in a Google search? The Google algorithms are really good, and so are our copy editors. Our wordsmiths will leverage and edit AI content to refine 550+ words of targeted and keyword-rich copy for use as an article, blog post, press release or news item on your website, boosting your organic search engine results.
This is about building a library of content related to your most important search terms so that Google understands what you do, where you’re located, and why they should send visitors your way.
And while no single article will make a night and day difference to your search engine results, the cumulative effect of having numerous relevant and authoritative articles will result in more visitors and more opportunities to convert those visitors into customers.
The Local Search Pack
It’s how people are searching and how Google is serving results. Get optimized.
Over the years, geographically specific search results became a top priority for Google. You’ve seen them a million times; they’re the three local businesses displayed next to a map and reviews.
SEO nerds call this the “Local 3-Pack”. If you care about your business, you can call it essential.
Beyond the prerequisite of being local, the two ways of reaching the 3-pack for your important search terms are by having more recent reviews than your competition, and by regularly posting keyword-rich content to your Google Business Profile.
And since Google pays close attention to those Business Profile posts, but most businesses don’t bother to use them, it’s the perfect secret weapon to get ahead of your competition.
Social Media Channels
and Linkbuilding
Search engine users are served only relevant and authoritative content.
You now have an article posted to your website that will help you over the long term, plus, you have a keyword-rich post that will boost you into the Local 3-Pack. But we can get even more meat off that bone…
Next, we post a link from the article on your website to your Facebook timeline. The Facebook post shows up with the graphics that we included when we wrote the article and pulls the headline. We add a short introductory sentence to the top along with a few well-chosen clickable tags. Then, the whole thing is cross-posted to your Instagram feed.
Your audience will see a nice and neat professional timeline post that leads back to your website when clicked, giving you more traffic and more opportunities to convert.
And unlike a typical Facebook post that’s here and gone after a few days, never to make a difference again, this post + incoming link combo continues to be seen by the search engines over the long run.
It’s all part of a master plan.
How Long, How Often, and How Much?
The whole thing, from beginning to end, takes us around 4 hours to complete, for which we charge a flat rate of $462. (The first block of three comes as a bundle, so $462 X 3, but after that, we can deploy the posts to your blog, pages, or offerings on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis as one-offs. Doing this has the advantage of automating your content-creation, social media posts and Google Local timeline content. Sit back and enjoy the fireworks as your online marketing is tailored for you and automatically deployed by professionals.)
We start with a consultation to define the article subjects and a timeline, keyword research by an SEO expert, 550+ words of optimized copywriting, including relevant headings and alt-tags, a licensed image, 150ish character meta-description, link/URL, and social media tags. If we built or manage your website, we’ll post the article for you. If we manage your social media and business channels, we’ll post it there for you too. This is the whole enchilada.
How often depends on your business needs and competitive environment. Google Business Profile posts expire after six months, so even the smallest mom-and-pop should be doing this twice a year. Larger and more competitive businesses will benefit from bi-monthly posts.
Bringing it All Together
Call it “bang for the buck”, “working “smarter not harder, or “maximizing every calorie burned”. Choose your favorite cliche, it boils down to the same thing; leveraging your efforts to make the most of them. On-Page Organic SEO, boosting your position in the Local 3-Pack, Professional Social Media Timeline Posting, plus Link Building, all in one.
Schedule a free consultation with your account director, David, using the form below, and he’ll get you connected with the plan of attack that best suits your business.
For economy, efficacy, and quick-turnaround, this Triple Threat Online Marketing Package is a complete no-brainer.